Frequently asked questions

I think my child/adolescent needs a psychologist - what do I do now?
Fill in the Contact Us form on the next page and we will be in touch for a confidential discussion. Alternatively, you can visit your GP and talk things through ahead of deciding about referral options.
Please note, if your concern is in relation to the immediate safety or wellbeing of a child or young person, please liaise with your GP, contact Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT) psychiatric triage on 1300 721 927 (8am to 10pm, 7 days per week), or proceed to the emergency department of your local hospital.
Do I need a referral?
You do not need a referral to see a psychologist, however if you obtain a referral you are eligible to claim via medicare for part of your fees. Alternatively, you can opt to claim via your private health insurance or other options, as detailed on our fees page.
What can I / my child expect in a session?
Please see Services page for further information. You/your child will be treated with respect, and met with curiosity, care and empathy as you work with Shannon to explore presenting concerns, learn about strategies that may assist, and may also be asked to practice some of the suggested strategies between sessions.
Do you support NDIS patients?
Shannon provides psychological services under National Disability Insurance Scheme to self-managed clients who are billed privately and then can claim their rebate subsequent to paying for the service(s). She is not registered with NDIS so is not taking referrals for plan or agency-managed clients.
How many sessions will my child need?
This will be dependent on the nature and extent of your child's presenting concerns. Rest assured, part of your initial appointment is to discuss goals and establish plans for treatment, so this will be discussed then, and regularly reviewed.
How long does a session go for and do you offer after hours?
Sessions run for 50 minutes duration, and it is beneficial for parents to be available, either onsite or via telehealth for the last 10 minutes of the appointment so we can share next steps between sessions.
Currently, Shannon is offering appointments on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and some evenings, so as to fit in with families' availability.